Curriculum Vitae of Panagiótis

Panagiótis Grigoríou, co-initiator of “GreekCity”, was born in Athens. Trained in France as an ethnologist and historian, he witnesses current transformations in the world, from the perspective of both an anthropologist and a chronicler.

He first looked at the notion of “insularity”, based on his ethnographic fieldwork in the 1990s within a community of fishermen from Asia Minor on the island of Lesbos.

As a specialist, doctor in Contemporary History from the University of Picardie Jules Verne, the theme of his thesis focuses on the daily life and representations of the Greek soldier during the Greco-Turkish war in Asia Minor, between 1919 and 1922.
As a result, he contributes through his academic collaborations and research in France, Greece, Switzerland or Italy, to the renewal of the cultural history of the Greek and more broadly European space.

During the years 2010-2022, he closely followed the Greek crisis, its evolution and its misdeeds, and apart from numerous articles produced on this subject during this harmful period, he published in 2013 the essay “Phantom Greece – Travel at the end of the 2010-2013 crisis”, in Paris, published by Fayard.

He participated in the script, and he embodied the “common thread” of Ana Dumitrscu’s documentary film, “Kháos – The human faces of the Greek crisis”, released in France in October 2012.

He has participated in numerous radio and television broadcasts, covering the theme of Greek and European news in various countries; France, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, among others on Arte, France24, LCI, France-Culture, France-Inter, RFI, Sputnik France, Russia Today, Radio Canada, and Radio Suisse Romande.

Since 2016, he has been the initiator of the alternative tourism project “Greece Differently”, a concept of responsible travel in today’s Greece, through its realities, its landscapes, its contemporary history and its culture.